Allure is RESULTS OBSESSED is responsible for reaching or exceeding your bottom-line goals. With the most advanced tools and analytic technologies, we target consumers with pinpoint accuracy, equally accountable for innovation and effectiveness, and are always looking to exceed their last result. We look forward to your engagement and grow with your business success!
Our Core Services
Allure offers innovative technology and business centric solutions and services in social, Mobility, Analytics and cloud domains. SMAC technologies are disruptive and is revolutionizing the way businesses engage their customers. Enterprises that embrace them are likely to stay afloat in the highly competitive market and harnessing the power of digital technologies would be the future growth drivers.
We constantly learn and update ourselves to understand the ranking metrics of all major search engines. Our team upgrades the skills through well-defined training programs at regular intervals.
Search Engine Optimization enables your site to be ranked higher in related searches. In other words SEO is a tool to have you with prospect customers on their relevant searches when they need you.
Social Media marketing is a way businesses engage their target customers through social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, You tube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and other blogging or community networks.
A conversion doesn’t just refer to a sale , it epitomizes an engaged customer, a customer who’s satisfied and will return again.Hence we do everything right in terms of scoring conversions.
Our Works
We are an integrated marketing solution provider that have the technical wherewithal to create and execute the relevant digital marketing initiatives for revenue generation and organisational growth. This encompasses strategic planning, creative designing, channel selection, execution and reporting. Allure is competently equipped to handle all the digital channels of interactive marketing.
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The big intriguing question with every marketer is the relevance of 4 P’s in today’s digital world. There are multiple schools of thought and we are not yet there with a widely accepted framework. Would we really have one in these fast changing times when terms like behavioral micro-targeting are getting prevalent within digital realm now. There are no answers at the moment.
Our Clients
We are not just a bunch of technology driven, end result oriented marketing geeks, but fun to work with. We focus to deliver value to every customer – big and small (we hate to call any customer as small though) and get the desired outcome without cost and time over-runs. Every customer is a matter of pride to us. We are proud that our customer retention and the resultant incremental business is second to none in the industry.
Contact Us
INDIA +91-9445355511
USA +001 (805) 743-3567
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.allurestrategies.com
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